Sunday 3 March 2013

Part two of an amazing Sunday:
 Fashion Weekend and a Gig!

After leaving London Fashion Weekend made my way to Byron Burger with my cousin and had the best Oreo milkshake and a darn good meal. It was my first time there and the service was amazing, atmosphere relaxed and the food hearty. What more could I have asked for?

So after my terrific meal at Byron Burger I made my way to Islington Town Hall. Why Islington I hear you ask. What did you do there I hear you cry. Well I'll tell you. I went to see Marsha Ambrosius. (Did you hear my cry of excitement from your screen?) Yes I said Marsha Ambrosius. One half of the Powerhouse duo formerly known as Floetry, a phenomenal song writer and vocalist and I implore you, if you have not already listened to any of her or Floetry's songs, do so. You really are missing out.

Sharon Rose
So I rushed to the venue just to make sure that I wouldn’t miss anything. My appreciation for the woman is so pure that it wasn't really an option. So 7pm on the dot I arrived and joined the queue. My first mistake of the night. Concerts notoriously start late. This concert followed suit and the supporting act Siilhouette appeared on stage. Siilhouette (yes it is spelt with two Is...) was what I would describe as an old school singer a lot of attitude and vibrato.

The second supporting act was phenomenal. She brought an energy to the stage which can only be found in a performer who loves their craft, Sharon Rose was on point. From her band to her backing vocalists to her outfit each element worked to create a truly excellent performance. I can say I am now a Sharon Rose fan and will be following her career. Can't wait for the next gig!

Marsha Ambrosius
On to Marsha! When the stage hands started to disassemble the live music equipment and it was not replaced I was terribly confused. What confused me even further was when a DJ began to set up on stage. My first thought was how can a singer like Marsha Ambrosius come anywhere with a DJ. However my silly notions were shut down when Ms Ambrosius took to the stage and stunned the crowd.

It was the first time I had heard her sing live and her voice is agile and flawless. The vocals were amazing but what, for me, made the show a true success was her frankness. Her ability to engage the crowd and be 'real' about her songs and life experiences. When the song far away was sung the emotion conveyed was enough to silence the venue.

The even started two hours late and there was no live band but the event was beyond phenomenal and Ms Ambrosius truly showed us why she is an internationally acclaimed talent.
I had the most amazing day and I can't wait for more days like this.
Ciao for now
Rhianne xxx


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