Sunday, 3 March 2013

Hello good people hope this finds you in good health and high spirits.

So, I have found in my day to day life that my hair has become a topic of conversation, not intentionally by it still shocks me sometimes.

My waeved hair.
Natural kinky curly hair has come into focus in the UK over the last ten years and now it would seem nearly everyone (I meet anyway) is on a natural hair journey. For me going natural was an accident. I had a friend who used to practice weaving my hair, and I had various weaves in for a year plus. In that time I relaxed the parts of my hair that would be on show (the front back and sides) and pretty much neglected the rest of it. Towards the end of 2011 I went for the box braid look and absolutely loved it, I kept the style till February 2012 and when I was unble to find someone to re do my braids I took them out, and there it was. My untamable, dry, head of hair. I didnt know what I was going to do with it! So I did what I knew best. Washed my hair with my generic shampoo without dividing into sections, didn't bother conditioning (couldn't be asked). I then attempted to detangle the matted mess atop my head, which took in excess of an hour. I left half of my hair on the floor of my bedroom,  it was a ball the size of a fist. Then I applied oil and grease to my hair and scalp and blowdried on high heat with a paddle brush. I looked at my hair and though what an utter travesty. Why isn't my texture nicer? Why can't my hair be longer? My hair is not good hair.

The first fight/ wash with my
natural hair (February 2012)
I then had what can only be described as an epiphany. Why shouldn't I be able to wear my hair and be happy? Surley this is a part of being content with myself. It spiralled from there. I needed information.  I needed to know what to do with my hair, how to style it, how to manage it and how to appreciate it. So obviously I went to the place that can teach you everything. YouTube! Since last february I have watched countless videos, read countless articles and blogs and consulted many many books and soaked up the information. One year on I am a different person for it.

One of my staple styles for 2012 (wash and go)
Although my routine is by no means perfect and I still get breakage and make mistakes my hair has taught me lessons in one year that I had been trying to learn my whole life. Embrace you. The way you are is not a mistake and people will always appreciate you being yourself.

I know it has been a very long one but this is the first in my natural hair series! Very excited to share my routine, favourite products and tools and many more nuggets of gold!

Please share  and spread the revolution! :)

Ciao for now and always be the best you!

Rhianne XxX

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